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, by Thomas Zoega Ramsoy Nathan R. Furr

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Product details
File Size: 25382 KB
Print Length: 256 pages
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press (October 16, 2018)
Publication Date: October 16, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#234,131 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I'm sure these guys know what they are talking about, but spending the first quarter of a book on leading organizational transformation bragging about making comic books or hiring science fiction writers? Puh-lease. This offers no practical, applicable advice for leading transformation - these are a bunch of bougie silicon valley wannabe "consultants" bragging about cool stuff they tried that happened to work in that situation
For anyone at Lowe's during the period referenced by this book, it will resonate that this was the time when Lowe's lacked significant strategy and vision, and as such the company embraced 'disruptive innovation' simply because it filled a massive hole in its strategy gap.While Lowe's were doing the things referenced in this book, its core retail practices were severely neglected and its competitor, Home Depot, beat it in financial performance and market share quarter after quarter. Instead of Lowe's replacing its 40 year old Point of Sale system or replacing its lacking Omni channel, and distribution systems, the CEO and other C-level leaders thought it pertinent to send a 3D printer to space and invest in AR, in a business area that was dragging down the entire company. I don't question the value of the practices in this book, but by using the example of Lowe's, the book falls way, way short. In fact, the examples used in this book did not place Lowe's on a new trajectory; instead, it hurt the company long-term and led to the ouster of its CEO and other executives.Since this book was written, Lowe's hired a new CEO and replaced all but one C-level executive. That tells you you something about its failing strategy. Don't be bamboozled by the 'disruptive innovation' examples if you don't have your core company in order. Today, Lowe's rolled back every example used in this book to focus on its core, its customer and store practices.
Update some concepts
In Leading Change, James O'Toole suggests that the strongerst resistance to organizational change is cultural in nature, the result of whst her so aptly characterizes as "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom."According to Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, and Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy, their book introduces "a radical new method for doing just that -- for driving the kind of change [achieved by Google, IKEA, Lowe's, Microsoft, Pepsi, the United Nations, and XPRIZE] and for addressing the real, human challenges of change...Our goal with this book is to describe the transformational process and tools that worked for us and for leaders at many organizations around the world...We hope to provide you with a road map for leading transformation in your company [and thereby gain] a new perspective, a new process, and a new, if not even a bit unusual set of tools for leading transformation."Years ago I asked John Kotter what is most difficult to change? "Getting people to change how they think about change." Presumably Furr, Nel, and Ramsøy agree with Kotter. The "radical approach" to which I referred earlier consists of several separate but interdependent initiatives. Furr, Nel, and Ramsøy explain HOW too Use science fiction and strategic narratives to create a compelling story that envisions the futureo Use decision maps and archetypes to break through bottleneckso Develop leadership at all levels and in all areas of a self-transforming organizationo Develop and implement new approaches to the VUCA business worldThey also include three insightful appendices: "Leading Transformation in Your Own Life," "Our Origin Stories," and a delightful "bonus" section, "A Summary of the Book Presented as a Graphic Novel."These are among the dozens of passages that caught my eye, also listed to indicate the scope of Furr, Nel, and Ramsøy's coverage:o How Did Lowe's Transform? (Pages 4-12)o The Transformation Process: The Three Steps to Take Charge of Your Company's Future (12-17)o How to Use Strategic Narrative (44-46)o Master Class: The Dangers of Setting and Revising Expectations with Narratives (46-49)o Great Stories Are Told Through the Eyes of One Person (47)o Master Class: How to Gert Users to Accept Something Really Outlandish (55 & 57)o The Need: New Tools to Break through Habit and Routine (61-64)o The Process: How to Break Bottlenecks Using Decision Maps (64-68)o How to Use Functional Archetypes (81-83)o Table 3-3, Key functional archetypes (84-85)o Master Class: Neuroscience, Archetypes, and the Real World (86-87)o Master Class: Modifying the Narrative When Something Big Changes (113-114)o Tool: Applied Neuroscience (120-125)o Master Class: Other Ways to Apply (128-132)o Negative Capability (141-143)o Accelerator Skill Sets (148-150)o Results First (155-158)o The Three Noes (158-160)o The Behavioral Innovation Opportunity (168-172)o Seeing Possibilities That Lie in Plain Sight (175-177)Obviously, no brief commentary such as mine can do full justice to the value of this book but I hope I have at least indicated why I think so highly of the information, insights, and counsel that Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, and Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy provide. They will continue to help as many people as possible to achieve breakthrough change, not only within their organizations but also within themselves. I commend them on their efforts. Bravo!
A very interesting and useful book. It's full of great examples and it guides you through the necessary steps.I was fascinated by the graphical novel as it was a great way to summarize the content.Highly recommended!Many thanks to Harvard Business Review Press and Netgalley for this ARC
Putting this up there with Ray Dalio's 'Principles' as the best business book I've read this year. This opens a whole new world of transformative leadership for me and I'm definitely making sure my team reads it.
This book attempts to solve one of the toughest issues of our day - the knowledge that disruptive innovation is necessary to survive in the marketplace and the crushing task of knowing what to do to get there. It does so splendidly. Finally, a business book I can literally use. Biggest takeaway: it’s not about waiting and reacting, it’s about seeing and acting on the future you want (and likely need) to create.The authors do a marvelous job of making the content digestible, relatable, and actionable. I rarely get that mix of “enjoyable to read†and “woah, I actually learned something,†but Leading Transformation does that without question.I think the best thing about this book is it’s application, not only to organizations and governments, but also to my life personally. Really takes the “business book†to a much higher level.
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